
GEHK Mooncake gets 'Three Rs'—Recycle・Reuse・Reduce done at one go. Let's go Green together.

Hong Kong, 31 October 2013 - APP welcomes a Greenpeace report on the work it is carrying out to permanently end deforestation in its supply chain through its Forest Conservation Policy (FCP). Greenpeace’s ‘APP’s Forest Conservation Policy: Progress Review’, which was launched today, takes an in-depth look at all aspects of how the FCP is being implemented and concludes ...
大澳環境優美,座落於珠江的淡河水及鹹海水交匯的地方,適合水中生物繁殖,孕育著多樣性的生物,部份更是香港難得一見的自然生態。 保護生物多樣性及稀有生態系統,是亞洲漿紙(Asia Pulp & Paper,簡稱APP)「2020可持續發展路線圖」重點之一。APP旗下子公司──金東貿易(香港)有限公司秉...

The 6th Sinar Mas Print Awards is just around the corner. Are you ready to get your company or printing technology much more famous? Sinar Mas Print Awards is an effective platform helping you to increase exposure in the printing industry. Deadline : 10 Aug 2013 (postmarked). Act Now!