APP launches agroforestry programme in 500 villages to help protect Indonesia’s forests Hong Kong, 8 December 2015 – Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) today announces a new commitment to support the economic development of 500 villages in the landscapes surrounding APP’s supply chain. The aim of the programme is to demonstrate that economic development can be pursued in a sus...
APP welcomes Government initiative on Peatland Moratorium Hong Kong, 17 November 2015 – Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) today welcomes the President of Indonesia’s instruction on better peatland management, which includes a moratorium on new development of peatland. As part of APP’s Peatland Best Practice Management initiative, today the company is announcing the completion...
10月23日,安興紙業在零碳天地(九龍灣)舉辦安興「輕鬆採購」客戶日。安興紙業行政總裁姚冠康致歡迎辭。姚冠康說,安興首次舉辦客戶日,目的是藉此機會與客戶拉近距離、交流及互動,將最新辦公室的產品及服務與客戶共享,以及回饋客戶對他們多年的支持。 他們數年前成立以輕鬆採購為概...