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World Environment Day: PEOPLE FIRST

We live in a hyper connected world, where asphalt, haste and new technologies mark the rhythms of a frenetic life that, sometimes, makes us disconnect from the place we inhabit: our planet. Connecting people to nature, the theme for World Environment Day this year, implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the Earth. PEOPLE FIRST We are all part of nature and we all enjoy in our own way what it can offer us. Especially the people who live in rural areas and spend their daily lives connected to environment. Besides being the first ones to enjoy nature, they are also the first to suffer the threats of climate change, because it’s real and it’s happening right now They are pivotal figures in ensuring that man’s relationship with nature works. At APP, preserving forests also means safeguarding the livelihoods of local communities. They are the ones who perfectly understand the land, and for them, nature is an essential part of their lives. Therefore, it is essential to protect their wellbeing and put them at the very center of our policies ensuring that they are in keeping with the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is one of the key strategies for the 21st century. Most of these people does not have access to finance or training to be able to carry out their work, therefore it is important to develop direct finance mechanisms, and put into practice training projects, which can get the most out of the land in a sustainable way. At APP, we are aware of these needs and by collaborating with organizations such as the Belantara Foundation, we want to protect tropical forests and conserve biodiversity through innovative direct financing mechanisms for small farm holders. The Belantara Foundation allows the channeling of public and private financing towards local communities and other actors who carry out forest conservation and biodiversity protection projects. Their efforts are focused on recovering and protecting the rainforests of Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia). The Belantara Foundation is trying to reach a balance between landscape conservation, empowering local communities and supporting the growth of a sustainable economy. Today, on World Environment Day, just as on the previous International Day of Forests, we want to reiterate our thanks to everyone who, whether through big steps or small ones, works hard to reduce climate change and protect nature. Thanks to their help, we can understand the true value of nature and appreciate the place we have within it. [Resources from: Asia Pulp & Paper]