香港,2015年5月4日— 香港小童群益會 (The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong,簡稱BGCA) 及 亞洲漿紙 (Asia Pulp & Paper,簡稱APP)合辦 母親節「紙花獻愛 感謝有妳」環保紙藝工作坊 ,教導來自土瓜灣及屯門區的小朋友自製精美的紙藝精品,藉著即將來臨的母親節送給摰親以表謝意。 香港摺...
只提供英文版本 Sustainable packaging is growing into a major trend. Brands are increasingly expected to pursue packaging efficiency, taking a more holistic approach that covers the entire product lifecycle. During the interview, Tim gave a briefing introduction of APP with detailed information on integrated business model, and then he mentioned the diverse range of products APP offers...
The second phase of plastic bags levy begins in Hong Kong today and this helps the paper industry to grow locally. The article mentioned paper bags could be one of the options for retailers to use. Thomas Yu shared his insights on paper is a more environmentally friendly alternative. He highlighted APP’s source of raw material is totally self-sufficient in pulp supply, and has develope...
2015年3月26日,香港 ── APP亞洲漿紙 (Asia Pulp & Paper,簡稱APP)將在中國8個廠區安裝逾200兆瓦容量的屋頂太陽能面板,預計足夠為超過50萬戶家庭提供電力[1]。 APP早前已安裝70.5兆瓦的太陽能發電項目,現再增加129.5兆瓦容量的裝置,預計這將成為漿紙業中規模最大的太陽能發電項目,同時也是全...