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APP China launches ‘Paperback’ recycle campaign, giving new life to recycled paper through its mill in Ningbo

The ‘Paperback’ recycle campaign, newly launched by APP China and Green Initiative in May, promotes the right recycling of waste paper among us all.


Nearly 100 workmates joined hands to support the initiative at the launch ceremony held in APP China’s headquarter in Shanghai. The participants were given the opportunity to learn how to identify the recyclable and non-recyclable waste paper, and how to recycle right. The waste paper collected will be delivered to APP China’s mill in Ningbo for recycled paper production, thus giving new life to the recycled paper, and fulfilling the sustainability commitments of APP China.  


For more information, please visit APP China’s Weixin platform:

(Chinese only) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7FZila-pbeWRrTT8MvQONQ