Shanghai, 26th March 2015 – Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is to install rooftop solar capacity in excess of 200 mega-watts (MW) across eight of its mill companies in China, enough to power more than 500,000 homes[2]. APP is announcing an additional 129.5 mega-watts of capacity to build on 70.5 installed during the previous year. It is anticipated to be the largest solar project within the ...

A lot of multinational companies are concerned about sustainability issues. Tim explained the efforts that APP has made and certificates that have been achieved in the past. Tim also mentioned that consumers in Hong Kong need to learn more about sustainability issue.

APP introduces its 2015 FCP implementation plan to address lessons learned from the field, stakeholder input and the findings of the evaluation Hong Kong, 6 February 2015 – Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) has today welcomed the Rainforest Alliance independent evaluation of its Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) . The evaluation concludes that the company has made moderate progress towards meet...
Chinese Version Only 在香港,用紙包裝食物由來已久。由於紙張使用容易、相對便宜以及環保,因此被廣泛應用於食品包裝。但只有很少人留意到不及格的紙製品,尤其是與食物直接接觸的紙類製品,有機會增加食物中毒及嚴重影響健康的風險。雖然香港對食品包裝安全標準沒有嚴格的法例要求,食品供...
Jakarta, 19 November 2014 – A 20MW rooftop solar project has been completed at Asia Pulp & Paper Group’s (APP) Gold HongYe Mill in Suzou, China, creating one of the world’s largest rooftop solar installations. The panels cover approximately 300,000 square meters – the equivalent of 42 football pitches. The installation consists of ten thousand panels installed acros...