Sustainability News

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is pleased to present its Sustainability Report 2018. This marks the 14th year that APP has reported its sustainability performance, demonstrating our commitment to become a leading global pulp-and-paper company that provides superior values to our customers, community, employees and shareholders - responsibly and sustainably.

2018年9月22日,APP(中國)獲得世界經濟與環境大會(簡稱WEC)授予的“國際碳金•生態實踐獎”。 “這是社會各相關方對APP(中國)在推動造紙工業與環境的和諧發展、不斷提高可持續發展能力,建立資源、環境、效益統一協調的綠色發展之路上所做的努力給予的表彰和認可。我們很榮...
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is pleased to present its Sustainability Report 2017. This marks the 13 th year that APP has reported its sustainability performance, demonstrating our commitment to become a leading global pulp-and-paper company that provides superior values to our customers, community, employees and shareholders - responsibly and sustainably. Sustainability Report 2017 provides i...
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