Sustainability News
1月19日,APP(中國)發佈了《“立足中國,綠色承諾”2009年第四季度報告》。該報告遴選了2009年度影響造紙行業的重要新聞以及APP(中國)十大新聞,“節能減排”成為2009年度造紙行業的關注熱點。中國造紙業在第60個年頭也規劃了自己嶄新的“綠色藍圖”。 作為國際領先的制漿造紙...
"Emission Reduction" Becomes the Keyword of Chinese Papermaking Industry in 2009 (SHANGHAI, January 19, 2010) APP-China has just released the ""Paper Contract with China""” (PCwC) 2009 fourth quarter report. The report reviews the top news stories and major developments in the Chinese papermaking industry, the top 10 APP-China news stories in 2009, and the...
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