Group News
由「香港印藝學會」構思並製作出的印刷業指南 ─《遊印有餘》(Print Player+),指南集現今最新印刷器材、技術與物料的資訊與樣本於一身;並加入色彩管理相關知識。作為業界一分子,金東(香港)亦製作了一套四頁的插頁收錄其中。 插頁以「懷舊香港」及「衣、食、住、行」作設計主題,根據各產...
今年八月,APP(中國)總部隆重推出企業刊物:《紙智》,題材非常豐富,包括集團訊息、紙業動態、行業趨勢、國際及國內政策等。 本期文章推薦: - 封面故事《綠水行動—保護水資源,APP(中國)在行動》 - APP(中國)副總裁翟京麗淺談:APP(中國)三步曲 - 產銷失衡下的白卡紙企未來之...
於金東香港 LinkedIn 專頁回答以下問題,即有機會獲得 Häagen-DazsTM 雪糕券,約值HK$500 (名額10位),萬勿錯過。 問題:在黑房中,用手電筒照白紙和鏡子哪個較亮? 請簡述說明。 金東香港將會選出10位答中問題並答得最好之參加者 活動日期:即日起至2018年9月28日 參加辦法: 1. 跟蹤 (Follow) 金東香港 L...
The ‘ Paperback ’ recycle campaign, newly launched by APP China and Green Initiative in May, promotes the right recycling of waste paper among us all. Nearly 100 workmates joined hands to support the initiative at the launch ceremony held in APP China’s headquarter in Shanghai. The participants were given the opportunity to learn how to identify the recyclable and non-recycla...
Gold East Trading (Hong Kong) Company Limited (“GEHK”) is committed to promoting the sustainable practices and economic viability of pulp-and-paper industry and its related businesses, with a view to mutually achieving a favourable business environment and industry prospect. Over the years, GEHK has been sharing active support to the publications and events of the Graphic Arts Association o...
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